As our Kickstarter chugs along, we have prepared a special surprise for you. We are making the 0.9 beta rulebook for Stardust entirely free!

All you need to get started is a copy of Tabletop Simulator, on sale on Steam now for 50% off! Once it's installed, simply head to our Steam Workshop page and hit Subscribe. That's all there is to it! You can grab an additional PDF copy of the rulebook in our store, for free.
Stardust is a tactical multiplayer experience built for two or more players. Our Steam Workshop build has everything you need to decimate your frenemies: the 0.9.x beta rulebook, 31 original virtual miniatures, and all the cards and materials needed to begin playing in less than 10 minutes. Sublight Games will be on hand at various times over the next weeks to take your questions and join games with you over Discord!
If you'd like to print your own miniatures, we will be making select sets of STL files available to our Voidfarers. In the not too distant future, we will also open a miniature shop on the Voidfarer Supply Cache, where Voidfarers will continue to enjoy a 20% discount.
As of this moment we are 52% of our way to our Kickstarter goal with just over two weeks remaining! Please enjoy all this free content we have to offer; the game, the story, lore and animated skits, etc. Bring your friends along. Scorch the abyss with your presence. The stars are destiny, Voidfarer.